Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Most Difficult Decision Of My Life....

The entry I am about to post right now will be by far the most difficult one I have ever posted during my time here. As I am writing this; tears are streaming down my face. I think I am feeling my heart crumbling into a million tiny pieces. That is because I have realized that I am truly in love for the first time in my life. I am in love with the people of Juticalpa. I am especially in love with my first graders, who have challenged me in ways that I've never been challenged in my life. I am in love with my friends here; who I have allowed to accept me, and welcome me into their families and their homes. Along with love I believe; always comes some level of heartbreak. That is what I am experiencing right now; I believe.

*deep breath*

I have made the decision that seven weeks from today, I will be leaving Juticalpa, Santa Clara, and this great adventure behind. It would be so easy to stay. There are many days where the idea of never leaving passes through my head. But then I realize, that this was a once in a lifetime experience; one I will never have again in my life. It has to end. After talking to my friends both here and at home and spending hours upon hours reflecting upon my future, career goals, and money situations; I realize that it is time to go. I know I will be back to visit as frequently as I can; but other things tear at my heartstrings right now. I miss my family and my friends. I have been a selfish person in the past at times; not always considering them and only thinking of myself when I made decisions. Now; I realize that other people are affected by the things that I do. When I leave here; I will miss the people who have become my family and friends here. I knew that no matter what I decided to do it was going to be difficult. I know that my last days in Juticalpa are going to be by far the most difficult days of my life. I also know that I can't stay forever. Eventually; that day is going to have to come.

I have spent long hours and days toying with the idea of staying and the idea of going. Oh, how easy it would be if I didn't have to make this decision! But at 28 years old; I finally feel like I know what I want to do with my career/life, and it is time for me to focus on those goals. I have decided that I want to work in fundraising and grant writing for a non-profit organization. Preferably one like Olancho Aid that betters the lives of the impoverished. I want to spread the word about this organization to everyone who will listen. I can only do so much from here. I am going to make it my mission to spread the word about Juticalpa to every person who wants to hear about my great adventure. I have also decided that I am going to try to get some of my writings from this blog (and my personal journals) published in some type of magazine, newsletter, or book form. Just because I am leaving; doesn't mean my work for Olancho Aid is going to end. I don't think that it ever will. My career will continue forward when I return home. I finally have the direction that I needed. This experience has given me that direction.

In seven weeks, I will board a plane back to Boston with an entire year's worth the belongings in tow in only two suitcases. I will say days of long, teary goodbyes. I will board the plane in Tegucialpa and return back to Boston to the life that I lived for 27 years before I came out here. Only I don't think I ever really will return to the life that I led before I came out here. I depart this experience as a changed woman. The girl who boarded that plane in August, clueless about the harsh realities of the world will return to the States with a heart on fire with passion for the people whom I will hold close to my heart for the rest of my life. I will make it my mission to do everything that I can for the impoverished and less fortunate in our world.

Sometimes I joke that I have aged about 10 years in my time here mostly in part to tons of dust in my lungs and warm sun upon my skin. All kidding aside though; I feel like I have matured a great deal in this past year. I have seen and learned things here that many people twice my age could never understand. I have watched children play outside naked, because their families cannot afford to put clothes on their bodies. I have seen seven year olds selling bags of water in the park to pay for their families to eat a small serving of rice for dinner. I have seen people literally dying on city buses; with little more than faith in God and the prayer for a miracle that someone will help them to try to save their lives. I have seen people's homes washed away in the floods here; leaving them with literally nothing left in their possession. I have seen families ripped apart; children who have never known their Mommy's or Daddy's because they are in the States trying to earn a living so their children can go to school. I emerge from this experience with a new understanding of how most of our world lives. I emerge with a greater appreciation for all that I have. Most importantly; I emerge with an appreciation for the people I have met here. I am so grateful to have had the experience of sharing a life here with people who have shown me more love than I have ever known in my life. I think at one point in my early days here; I talked a lot about coming here to help these people, to educate these children, to give them the tools they need to help their country and their society. It is at this point now that I truly realize that they are the ones who have helped me. They have shown me unconditional love, unbelievable faith in God and the general good in humanity, and a career path for my life.

For the next seven weeks, I look forward to taking in all of the beauty and love surrounding me. I will eat as many meals in Wendy's cafeteria that I can. I will go to the cathedral with Wendy and her family for Sunday masses. I will "platicar" over coffee with Donamarina and Donaveronica every morning. Kenia will obtain a new wardrobe of my clothes. I will travel up to the north coast with my students and their family's and take in the serenity and beauty of the ocean. I might even try to smile instead of grumble choice words under my breath when a not so polite man whistles at me and yells "Mamacita! AYI YI YI!" as I walk down the street. I will savor the smells, and sights and sounds of this city that has become; and always will be my second home.

It's lesson time planning for this Mamacita. Ayi yi yi! So much work to be done, and only 3 more weeks of school left!! Wish me luck!!! Looking forward to seeing all of you in June!!!!


Anonymous said...

I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. I know how this decision was for you to make. I know it is going to be heart wrenching when the time comes to leave. I am so proud of the young woman that you have become. I can only thank all the beautiful people friends that you have made in Juticalpa, for taking you in, for loving you and for being the kind, faithfilled people that I knew they were. Just keep praying that God gives you the strength to get thru these last few weeks, without a broken heart

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin,

Well said. So well written I am crying my eyes out for you and the people you are leaving behind. But the States are where you belong. You could do so much more for them here by putting out the word and hopefully people here start to care and maybe help the poorer countries.

If there is anything I can do for these people let me know. I can save Domenic and Vanessa's clothes they have outgrown and toys they no longer play with and give them to you to send to the children of Juticalpa. I will donate books, whatever I can.

Keep up the great work and always stay proud.


Anonymous said...

All I can say is I'm proud of you and the decision you've made. I know this was not an easy decision. Now, it's time to share your experience and hopefully help our wonderful friends in Juticalpa.
Love you, honey......Mama Linda