Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wondering who all my followers are....

Well, I have to unfortunately announce that I had another bout of Montezuma's Revenge this past weekend. I spent much of the day on Saturday and Sunday curled up in bed with some of the worst stomach pains I have ever experienced in my 28 years of life. Add the fact that we didn't have electricity or running water for most of the weekend, and I found myself feeling like I was in hell. I actually at one point thought I was going to die if I didn't go to the hospital. Luckily, the pains subsided. I took an extra day off yesterday to rest (unfortunately, because I only have 3 weeks of school left..but teaching while sick is NOT fun in the heat; let me tell you!) In any case, I pick myself up and move forward, ready to experience all that I can in my last month here in Honduras!

In light of my recent bout of sickness, I started thinking about health care here and the reality of just how difficult things are for people here when they DO get sick. I look at the world I am living in and the fact that access to healthcare is pretty low in these rural areas. Those who DO have access to it aren't receiving the best care. One needs to go into Tegucigalpa to see any type of specialist. Being sick without running water and power is not fun. I speak from experience. Again; another opportunity for me to sit back and realize just how lucky I am. If I had a bout of the flu in the States; I'd be tucked under the blankets in my nice warm house taking nice hot showers if it were Winter. If it were Summer, I'd have central air. No wonder it takes people here so much longer to fend off illnesses when they have them! I have no idea how I caught whatever I caught (be it the food, or something else) but bathrooms here never have soap. It's no wonder germs spread like they do. In any case, I'm feeling luckier than ever that I have the access to the healthcare that I do. In light of all that happened this weekend; I'm realizing another possible career path for me might be Public Health. It could still be in an educationally based field. Perhaps educating people in poorer areas (both in and out of the country) on proper nutrition, proper hygiene, etc, etc. There are so many different paths that I could take! The possibilities are endless!

In any case; I've been getting kind of curious as to who has been reading my blog. I've been getting all of these invites from people saying they are "followers " of my blog...half of them I don't even know when I look at their profiles! I am so glad that my stories are touching so many people's lives. I'm glad I'm able to share this beautiful gift I have been granted with so many. I know that this blogger thing is difficult to figure out at times; so if you are someone who has been following my blog but has not been commenting, could you PLEASE email me at my regular email address at chesneyfan1@gmail.com? I just want to know who has been following my adventures so I can communicate with you a bit more on a more personal level. It would be great to know if there are people out there whom I've never even met before who have been following along. I promise if you email me, I will email you back!

Well folks; time to go attempt to make baleadas for a dinner we are having tonight. This should be fairly interesting! I've finally gotten some Honduran recipes down pat! Let's hope I can remember some of them and find all the right ingredients to grace all of you with Honduran cuisine upon my return. :-)

P.S Linda, I just got your email. Don't worry. I won't miss the Open House on the 18th of July. I KNOW you held off on having it JUST for me! :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Erin,
I have been telling you all along how many of your friends from Holy Family have been reading your blog. I am sure that you have touched more people's hearts than you will ever know. We are going to miss the blog almost as much as you are going to miss your beautiful children and friends from Juticalpa.
Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin
The people in Juticalpa need so much education in so many areas (public health, education and enviroment) but not in the most important areas (faith and love). Im sure that you will find someway to help them in the future. I cant imagine that you will forget all the wonderful people you will be leaving behind, so you will have to find a way to help them. I know that you are motivated to do just that by the obvious love you have for your friends in Honduras. Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweety
Of course we held off the open house until you return.......
i've definately been one of your followers.......finally figured out how to write back. It only took me 9 months.
Don't worry about what you'll do when you return. I'm sure it will center around what you've been experiencing in Honduras.
Love you, Mama Linda

Danie said...

Hi Erin,
I've been following you too. I set you up on my rss feed so I get an update every time you post.

I wish I could have been down there with you, but reading your blog helps me feel like I can experience everything with you.

I can't wait to see you and hear even more stories!


Anonymous said...


I am also one of your biggest followers. Your blogs are so interesting, heartfelt, sad and inspiring all at the same time. I too feel like I am experiencing what you are experiencing. You are awesome at putting your experiences down in writing and making people feel they are a part of it.

Keep up the great work and you will be successful no matter what path you choose.

