Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A much needed update...

Hey all. I just realized it has been 2 weeks since I have updated my blog. Things have been absolutely insanely busy here, and I have had little time to actually sit down and think. I hope this entry finds you all well and healthy. I'd like to say a special congratulations to Bob and Sandy Fisher on the arrival of their new bundle of joy. I'd also like to extend a special congratulations to my friend Meghan on her pregnancy. I'm so happy for you all!!!!

I have to admit that I've had quite a challenging couple of weeks. I have been trying to work on some behavioral problems within my classroom and I broke down into tears the other day because I felt at "wit's end" with a couple of my students. I actually had two kids who were on suspension for 3 days last week for trying to strangle other students. To say that I've been a bit frustrated would be an understatement. Sometimes I feel as though all I do is play referee when I really want to be teaching. Thankfully, I have since gone to Annie's house and vented to her for 2 hours straight. I think that is all that I needed, because I was able to head back into my classroom last week and implement new behavioral methods that SEEM to be working (knock on wood!) Additionally, one of the parents approached me on the playground last week and thanked me for being so hard on her son. She told me that she was "on board" with me with any behavioral expectations I wanted to set. The crazy father who yelled at me on the bus in November has also been super nice to me as well. He brought me a piece of chocolate cake today at lunch. All in all, it has been the usual rollercoaster that being here in general has been for me. I know that in the end, everything I am doing is in the best interest of my children. Let me tell you though; disciplining here is HARD!!!!! I am known as the "tough teacher" around here. I never thought I would hear myself with that type of label. Yikes!!!!

On a more positive note, we are well into the third of four quarters at Santa Clara. Last week was the true test of how much my students have learned up until this point. I have to proudly announce that out of 43 students, only 3 will probably not move on to second grade next year. I can hardly believe that 40 students who did not know a word of English in September know all of their letters and sounds. I have about a dozen who are actually reading in English. Every morning, the other section of first graders (who are with Brenda first thing) come in to say that they want to spend the entire day in English class. I must be doing something right!

On a sadder note, I have to say that I was a bit heartbroken last week. DonaMarina, who is one of the cleaning women at Santa Clara was in my class cleaning up after our Valentines Day party. She is a woman with a heart of gold, who is always inviting me over to her house, or making me a cup of hot coffee in the morning (which I gratefully take...although WHO drinks hot coffee in 100 degree heat?). In any case, after our party I caught her poking through my trash can and stuffing the remains of a Valentines Day cake (all that was left was the frosting and some crumbs) into her purse. It is so often that I forget how poor she really is. I learned that she only makes about 3.00 a day working at Santa Clara, and she has a daughter in the second grade. I am living a pretty simple life on my 50.00 a week stipend, so I cannot even begin to fathom the struggles that she is facing. It's so hard to remember how she lives, because she comes to work with a smile on her face every morning, and is always wondering how I am doing. She never ever complains about her struggles. I guess what she lacks in material riches she makes up for in spirit and heart.

I wanted to announce that I will be home for the Semana Santa week in April. I'll actually be taking a few extra days off and flying back here with the Holy Family group on April 16th. As much as I would have loved to travel to Costa Rica, I really think I just need a couple of weeks of doing absolutely NOTHING. I need to just relax and process everything that has been happening around me. And honestly; I'd rather spend the 2 weeks with my family and friends who I am missing quite a bit these days. Besides, there's always next year's Semana Santa for a trip to Costa Rica; right? :-)


Anonymous said...

I do read all of your blogs even though I rarely comment and I really appreciate your writing. You are handling very difficult situations with maturity and even though you're a "tough teacher" they still want to be in your class. That's a difficult balancing act! It will be great to see you in April.

Anonymous said...

I have tears in my eyes for donamaria. I wish that we could do something for her. I know that things have been difficult at times, but Im proud of the way you are handling things. Dad & I are looking forward to seeing you in April. And I cant wait to meet your students. Have fun with Stephanie & her group next week. Love Mom